RAIsonance Inc. announces the beta testing phase of its innovative, AI-powered tracker for sufferers of Long COVID. Part of the MyAdvocate line of Forced Cough Vocalization (FCV) wellness products, this platform was specially developed to track the unique and complex symptoms experienced by Long COVID sufferers, and to track changes to their FCV score – a key respiratory wellness metric.
We are thrilled to welcome beta testers to experience our new MyAdvocate for Long COVID application. COVID has been a terrible scourge for so many people around the world – and for some people, COVID never goes away. That’s who we made this product for. By capturing and analyzing this data-rich FCV signal, our tools can provide Long COVID sufferers with a new, trackable biometric data point as they continue on their journey to recovery.
Kitty Kolding, CEO of RAIsonance
The product’s user interface takes the form of a mobile app, which communicates with the cloud-based FCV processing and analytics system. The system enables users to create their unique Baseline FCV profile by coughing into the application multiple times on the first day. Then, users can cough again any time and have the system compare their new cough to their baseline, yielding an FCV change score. This score helps users understand how their FCV score changes over time, and even throughout the day as their symptoms might worsen or subside.
Users can also easily input their symptoms with a few clicks using the app’s symptom diary. The app provides trend analysis and other insights to help users get a clearer picture of their situation, and share these details with their healthcare providers if they wish.
The beta testing period opens on March 15, and is free to Long COVID sufferers. Click here for more information about MyAdvocate for Long COVID, and to join the beta testing group, click here.